Liquid Paint ( Red , White and Blue)
Heavy white paper
What to do:
1. Drop a blob of paint on the paper.
2. Blow through the straw , this will cause the paint to spread out like fireworks.
What you need: (this is enough for 1 scoop of ice cream )
1/2 cup whole milk or half & half
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
6 tablespoons Rock salt ( found in the grocery .. regular Morton salt does not work)
Ice cubes
1 pint size Ziploc bag
1 gallon size Ziploc bag.
What to do:
1. Fill the small Ziploc bag with the milk, sugar and essence and seal it well making sure nothing will spill out.
2.Fill the large Ziploc bag halfway with the ice cubes, rock salt.
3. Put the small bag in the large bag and seal the bag well.
4. Now shake the bag till the ice cream is done .. takes about 5-10 minutes.
Pay tribute to the stars and stripes with these online games at Kaboose.
Their games include the following :
-Match the state capital with its home state on a unlabeled map of the U.S
-Brush up on your history with an Independence Day trivia game.
-Test your knowledge of the history of the American flag.
-American geography while being tested on how well you know the states in the map of the U.S.
Scientific Thursdays
Float or Sink Playdough
You will need:
A big bowl of water
Play dough
1.Fill the big bowl with water
2.Place a ball of play dough in the water.
3. Observe what happens .. does it sink or float?
4.Now take the ball of play dough out and mould it into the shape of a boat.
5. Place the boat shaped playdough in the water.
6.Does the boat shaped playdough sink or float?
Since the ball of playdough weighs heavier than water it sinks. But a boat made out of the same ball will float. Water pushes the boat upwards supporting the boat. The shape of the boat also plays an important part in helping it to float. There is more surface for the water to push upwards on the boat than on a ball of dough.
John Adams, one of the founders of our new nation, said, "I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward for evermore." Independence Day was first celebrated in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776.
In 1941, Congress declared July 4 a legal public holiday.